Bergeggi Marine Reserve

Ever since Bergeggi Island officially became a Marine Reserve, the fish density and diver feedback has become greatly improved. There has been a major increase in the number of various nudibranch species, groupers, barracuda, moray eels and many other marine life that have found their perfect habitat.

isola di Bergeggi - immersione DivenJoy

DIVENJOY has 3 main dive sites at the Bergeggi marine reserve:

  • “IL PIFFERAIO”, an easy but very interesting dive due to the various small crevices and species of marine creatures. Max depth 18m

Il pifferaio, Area protetta Bergeggi

  • “LA FRANATA”, characterized by a rocky descending bottom up to a depth of 32m .The walls of this side of the island have multiple ravines where nudibranch’s, moray eels, conger eels and tube worms are daily encounters.
  • “IL CANALONE”, the most famous dive site on Bergeggi Marine reserve. It suits beginners and advanced divers. Wherever you look, you will find a great variety of marine life, from hunting snappers and massive schools of barracuda circling around the island, to nudibranch’s mating and octopus protecting their eggs. Max depth 30m.

Il canalone - punto di immersione DivenJoy